ACM SIGPLAN 2002 Conference on

Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI)

Berlin, Germany, June 17 - 19, 2002

Sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN in cooperation with ACM SIGSOFT

The PLDI 2002 home page can be found here.




PLDI is a forum where researchers, developers, educators, and practitioners can exchange information on the latest practical and experimental work in the design and implementation of programming languages. The PLDI conference seeks original research papers that focus on practical issues in the design, development, implementation and use of programming languages. Emphasis is placed on novel language designs, innovative and creative approaches to compile-time and run-time technology, and results from experimental studies of actual implementations.

Papers are solicited on, but not limited to, these topics:

  • design and processing of special-purpose languages, e.g., query, command, and domain-specific
  • program optimizations and transformations
  • implementations of language features
  • interactions between compilers and architectures
  • language support for security and safety
  • software support tools
  • compiler construction
  • storage management techniques
  • program representations
  • techniques for embedded and mobile code
  • program analysis
  • compilation for distributed, heterogeneous systems
  • dynamic compilation and optimization techniques
  • languages and compilers for parallel computing

Paper Submissions

Prospective authors should submit a paper through the PLDI paper submission site by Friday, November 16, 2001 at 8:00 PM EST (20:00). In keeping with the convention established in the last few years, the deadline is firm and no extensions will be given.

Papers must be formatted according the ACM proceedings format and should be no longer than 10 pages in this format. This 10 pages includes everything (i.e. it is the total length of the paper). Templates for ACM format are available for Word Perfect, Microsoft Word and Latex and are located at It would be much easier for the reviewers if you include page numbers for your submission. The default setup for the templates does not include page numbers, but you can add the command \pagenumbering{arabic} as the second line of your latex source to force line numbers. You can also use the ACM "old Latex format" which can be found at

Web-based electronic submission is required. Submissions should be in PDF (preferably) or Postscript that is interpretable by Ghostscript and printable on US Letter and A4 sized paper. Those individuals for which these requirements are a hardship should contact the program chair.

Papers that exceed the length requirement or are late will be rejected by the program chair. Papers already being reviewed by another conference are not eligible; if a closely related paper has been submitted to a journal, the authors must notify the program chair.

Paper evaluation

The program committee will evaluate the technical contribution of each submission as well as its general accessibility to the PLDI audience. Papers will be judged on significance, originality, relevance, correctness, and clarity. The paper must be organized so that it is easily understood by an audience with varied expertise. The paper should clearly identify what has been accomplished, why it is significant, and how it compares with previous work.

Notification and deadline for final version of accepted papers

Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by February 1, 2002. Full versions of accepted papers must be formatted to ACM conventions. A camera-ready copy and an electronic version must be received by ACM no later than April 8, 2002. Authors of accepted papers must sign a copyright release form.


Proceedings will be distributed at the conference and will appear as an issue of SIGPLAN Notices. Papers published in the proceedings are eligible for publication in refereed ACM publications at the discretion of the editors.

Proposals for co-located workshops

Proposals for co-located workshops to be held before and after the conference are also solicited; prospective workshop organizers should contact the general chair.

Nominations for SIGPLAN awards

Please consider nominating someone for the SIGPLAN Programming Languages Achievement Award, the SIGPLAN Distinguished Service Award or the SIGPLAN Doctoral Dissertation award. The deadline for nominations is December 1. More information is available here .

Chairs and Program Committee

General Chair
Jens Knoop
Universität Dortmund, Germany
[email protected]
Program Chair
Laurie J. Hendren
McGill University, Montreal, Canada
[email protected]
Local Chair
Frank Müller
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA
[email protected]

Program Committee (Click on the camera for photos of progam committee.)

Thomas Ball, Microsoft Research, USA

Craig Chambers, University of Washington, USA

Michal Cierniak, Intel Corp., USA

Charles Consel, ENSEIRB/LaBRI/INRIA, France

David Detlefs, Sun Microsystems, USA

Rajiv Gupta, University of Arizona, USA

Laurie J. Hendren, McGill University, Canada

Mark D. Hill, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA

Jens Knoop, Universität Dortmund, Germany

Yanhong Annie Liu, SUNY Stony Brook, USA

Rita Loogen, Universität Marburg, Germany

Samuel P. Midkiff, IBM T.J. Watson Research Lab, USA

Oege de Moor, Oxford University, UK

Andrew C. Myers, Cornell University, USA

Norman Ramsey, Harvard University, USA

Martin C. Rinard, MIT, USA

Barbara G. Ryder, Rutgers University, USA

Michael I. Schwartzbach, BRICS, University of Aarhus, Denmark

Jan Vitek, Purdue University, USA